Calvdale English Springer Spaniels

Sh Ch Skilleigh Tan Sandy

Sex: Dog
DOB: 22nd April 1989
Colour: Liver White & Tan
14 CC's, Group Winner, Top Stud Dog 1998
A wonderful gentleman in all respects and as has been noted by others, he always gave 100% and win, lose or draw he always enjoyed his day.
To me the perfect show dog.
Not perfectly made because nothing is and never will be but he just 'switched on' as soon as you put the lead around his neck and wanted only to please. That he did many times and we were thrilled with Group Winnings at Championship Show level. He was a dog that exhilarated you when you showed him.
His group win at SKC came under the late Mrs M McCallum when he was still only a youngster and after winning his first CC from Post Graduate under Ann Webster. The ideal dog in many ways and the sire of Champions, Show Champions, and others who have taken CC's, passing on his superb temperament that was second to none.
Sire of the Bitch CC Crufts '99 and Grand Sire of the Dog CC Crufts '99.