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Further photos of our successes can be found by clicking this link

Latest News Roundup

Our handsome Jim (SH Ch Calvdale Ever Thus JW) with some of his offspring........ the apples certainly haven't fallen far from that tree
Currently 5 CC's, 4 with BOB and 1 RCC


Tom is currently sitting on 1 CC and several RCC's

Jessie is the proud recipient of 3 RCC's

Cassian has 1RCC and BPIS at Ch Show Level

Iris was top ESS puppy winning a Puppy Group at Ch Show level


And so we're off into 2024 with lots of plans and hopes for our Show Team.  See the full details and photos can be seen over on News Pages



Lancs and Cheshire Breed Club Champ Show held in conjunction with Manchester Championship Show with judge Jock Mackay

A memorable day

Sh Ch Calvdale Flutter JW  CC & Best in Show

Her niece, Chanangel Coronation Day (owned by Granddaughter Elizabeth Chandler)  Best Puppy in Show and the Reserve Bitch CC


My breeding was also successful in other classes

Shelagh Tolladay for her Junior Bitch win with Calvdale Half A Story Bethersden

Jo Cunliffe for Best Veteran in Show with Ir Sh Ch Calvdale I Say Of Falllenleaf CJW18 CENT)W




Great day at the Midland ESS Open Show under judge Nicola Spencer for my own dogs and those flying the Calvdale flag… clean sweep for the top awards


Sh Ch Calvdale Scaramouche Jones JW (Jo) Best Dog & BEST IN SHOW

Sh Ch Calvdale Flutter (Bea) JW Best Bitch and RES BEST IN SHOW

Calvdale With Respect (Tom) Best Puppy Dog, Reserve Best Dog and BEST PUPPY IN SHOW

Ir Sh Ch Calvdale I Say Of Fallenleaf CJW18 CENT)W BEST VETERAN IN SHOW  

BEST B&W in Show Calvdale Half A Story Bethersden


Border Counties Gundog Show Calvdale With Respect (Tom) Best Puppy In Breed & and RESERVE BEST PUPPY IN SHOW



Birtley Open Show - Tom (C With Respect) BEST PUPPY IN SHOW under judge Tony Allcock OBE


Consett Open Show Calvdale With Respect (Tom) taking BP in Breed and then on to Puppy Group 2. His sire Sh Ch C. Ever Thus (Jim) taking BOB and a Group shortlist Neither were handled by me on this occasion so thanks to friends Tracy and Sue on a baptism of fire and an introduction to handling ESS and winning with them. You both done good girls !.

A belated mention that Tom took Puppy Group 1


Sunderland & District Premier Show Calvdale With Respect was BOB then took G2 just a day out of puppy and also won a fabulous Junior Stakes class .




Bath Ch Show - Judge Chris Atkinson

  • Calvdale With Respect CC from Junior class

  • Sh Ch Calvdale Flutter JW RBCC


ESS Club of Scotland Ch Show - Judge Helen Bjorkman

  • CC & BOS for Sh Ch Calvdale Flutter JW

  • 2nd in a strong Open Dog class for Sh Ch Calvdale Scaramouche Jones JW

  • 1st for Calvdale With Respect clocking up another win in Junior


SKC May Ch Show -  Judge  Lucy Adoo

  • Sh Ch Calvdale Flutter was awarded her 16th CC and Best Opposite Sex

  • Calvdale With Respect won JD

  • Sh Ch Scaramouche Jones was 2nd in a strong Open Class

  • Calvdale Half a Story was second for her owner Shelagh


SKC Oct Ch Show - Judge Gavin Robertson

Only the two youngsters were entered at this show and both won their respective classes.



Southern Counties Ch Show - Judge Doug Telford (Courtmaster)

Up in the middle of the night for the long journey to Southern Counties Championship Show where ESS were to be judged by Doug Telford (Courtmaster). Wonderful day yet again taking the bitch CC and BOB with our sweetheart Sh Ch Calvdale Flutter JW and then going on to be shortlisted in a strong Group. Ticket number 17 for this young lady who is always 'up for the task'. Young C. With Respect won a Junior Dog class and Sh Ch C, Scaramouche Jones JW was second in Open Dog. Elazlan Coronation Day JW shown by her owner breeder Elizabeth (Granddaughter) won a nice Junior Bitch class and then went on to be awarded Best Junior in Breed and to qualify for the Junior Group which was to be judged by Moa Persson from Sweden.


Blackpool Ch Show  - Judge David Craig

Sh Ch Calvdale Scaramouche Jones JW RDCC

Elazlan Coronotion Day JW RBCC also Best Junior (judge D Craig )and shortlisted in the Junior group. ( Mr Hogden)


North of England Spaniel Show  - Judge Judith Carruthers

Super show. Fabulous atmosphere. Great catering and a jolly nice day even if somewhat hot. Thank you to our judge Judith Carruthers for thinking so highly of this young man and awarding him BEST IN SHOW at 14 months old. (see news pages for photos )



Well.... July started with more autumnal weather than summer ... hopefully the sun will make an appearance very soon. A few shows attended during the month, and we were as usual delighted with our team's respective results.​

Also, super proud to have bred Calvdale Native River (River) now residing in Sweden, on gaining his 7th CC and being declared Best In Show Junior in Tvååker


​At our 50th Anniversary Northern ESS Ch Show recently, Granddaughter Elizabeth had a lovely day winning the RCC with Elazlan Right of Reply under our judge, Moray Armstrong.  Lots of lovely cake and fizz to celebrate the occasion - full results can be viewed on the SESSS Website


Leeds Ch Show - Judge  Penny Sands

​Showing Calvdale Ever Thus JW (Jim)  for the first time at Champ Shows this year and he won Open Dog, Dog CC and BOB. His son C. With Respect JW (Tom) won Junior Dog and the Reserve CC.  Good day had and thanks must go to our breed judge Penny Sands


















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".... as long as I can look into your eyes mum, I will know you love me ...." 
Jo (aka Calvdale Scaramouche Jones

A warm welcome to the website of Calvdale English Springer Spaniels

Hi, for those of you that don’t know me my name is Nicola Calvert, married to Martin and live in North Yorkshire. I have two lovely daughters Abbi and Angela. You may have seen Angela showing her Welsh Springer Spaniels under the Changangel affix. Angela and her husband Andrew have 3 gorgeous daughters, Elizabeth, Alexandra and Catherine all of whom are the apple of our eyes and seem to be following in grandmothers steps with showing dogs and or their ponies


Canines and Equines have always played a huge part in my life my Mother bred and exhibited both Poms and Danes (the sublime and the ridiculous) under the Fullate affix for many years. It was almost automatic that having been involved in dog showing from being tiny, that I should eventually take up my own affix and exhibit in my own right.


Calvdale English Springer Spaniels

'Calvdale' was applied for to the KC in 1980, and since has enjoyed numerous successes in the show world.   I first awarded CC's

in ESS in 1993 in the UK and have also judged abroard on many occasions. I was honoured to being given the opportunity to judge the breed at Crufts in 2016 which is the highlight of any judges career and an experience which was very much enjoyed.  I also take a keen interest in several other breeds, in particular, Cocker Spaniels and have judged three Breed Club shows. Aside from ESS and cockers I also judge a number of other gun dog breeds at Open Show level, and have passed breed assessments for Weimaraner, Golden Retirever, Flatcoat Retriever and Hungarian Vizsla.



I have met some lovely people along the way and some who are sadly no longer around that were instrumental in ‘getting me started’. To folk like John and Sylvia Skilbeck (Skilleigh), Alan and Margaret Bower Bowswood, Sue Shaw and my dear friend Joan Hill (Esholt) now in Canada, I shall always be eternally grateful and shall never forget their assistance and guidance . Whilst I am always looking forward to meet what is coming next, I never forget where I started or with whom.



Calvdale are members of the Kennel Club Assured Breeder Scheme and are Proud to announce that we have been awarded the Kennel Club 'Accolade Of Excellence' in association with the ' Accredited Breeder Scheme' Calvdale were one of the first 12 breeders, all breeds, in the country to have attained this prestigious award which we are delighted to receive

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Show Dogs

About Calvdale

'Calvdale' was applied for to the KC in 1980, and since has enjoyed numerous successes in the show world.   I first awarded CC's

in ESS in 1993 in the UK and have also judged abroard on many occasions. I was honoured to being given the opportunity to judge the breed at Crufts in 2016 which is the highlight of any judges career and an experience which was very much enjoyed.  I also take a keen interest in several other breeds, in particular, Cocker Spaniels and have judged three Breed Club shows. Aside from ESS and cockers I also judge a number of other gun dog breeds at Open Show level, and have passed breed assessments for Weimaraner, Golden Retirever, Flatcoat Retriever and Hungarian Vizsla.

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Calvdale English
Springer Spaniels

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